The Worst and Best Property Advice Ever: 20 Property Trends and Strategies Ranked


Navigating the property market can be tricky, especially with the abundance of advice out there. Some of it is beneficial, while other tips might lead you astray. Here, we rank 20 property trends and strategies, sharing our opinions on each. This guide is particularly useful for buyers in Greater Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and the Sunshine Coast. Let’s explore what to embrace and what to avoid, with a focus on saving time, uncovering hidden gems, and making informed decisions.

1. Fintechs and Property Syndicates: Not a Fan

Opinion: The rise of fintechs and property syndicates promises high returns, but they often come with high risks. The complexity and potential for hidden fees make them less appealing for traditional property investors. I would look at Joint Ventures before this and I am not a fan of Joint Ventures.

2. Buying for Capital Growth: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Investing in properties with strong capital growth potential is a solid strategy. Over time, these properties can significantly increase in value, providing substantial returns. Focusing on growth areas in Greater Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and the Sunshine Coast is a wise move.

3. Granny Flats: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Adding a granny flat to your property is an excellent way to boost your income. It provides rental income while also increasing the overall value of your property. This trend is particularly beneficial in high-demand rental areas.

4. Flipping Houses: Not a Fan Currently

Opinion: Flipping houses can be profitable, but the current market conditions we are in the “winners cause” make it risky. The volatility in building costs and their availability can lead to unexpected expenses and delays. It’s a strategy better suited for more stable times.

5. Buying Cheap Properties: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Purchasing affordable properties can be a great way to enter the market and build equity. These properties often present hidden gems that, with some improvements, can offer good returns on investment.

6. Homeownership as an Investment: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Your primary residence can also be a great investment. Over time, it can appreciate in value, and you have the potential to turn it into a rental property in the future. It’s a dual-purpose strategy that builds wealth while providing a home. Our current Owner occupier will one day turn into an investment property.

7. Lender’s Mortgage Insurance/Creative Financing: I Am a Fan for you first home not for an investment property

Opinion: While creative financing options like Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI) can help you get into the market sooner, they often come with higher costs and long-term financial strain. It’s better to save for a larger deposit if possible.

8. Cosmetic Renovations: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Cosmetic renovations can significantly enhance a property’s value without the extensive costs associated with major structural changes. Simple updates like painting and new carpets can yield high returns.

9. Homeowner Grants and Stamp Duty Concessions: On the Fence

Opinion: These incentives help first-time buyers enter the market, which is beneficial. However, they can also drive property prices higher, making it harder for subsequent buyers. It’s a mixed bag, depending on market conditions.

10. Rent Vesting: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Rent vesting—renting where you live and buying investment properties elsewhere—can be a smart strategy. It allows you to live in desirable areas while investing in high-growth regions. This approach offers flexibility and potential financial gains.

11. Investing in High-Density Areas: Not a Fan

Opinion: High-density areas often have volatile markets with fluctuating demand and supply. Investing in these regions can be risky, and the potential for oversupply can lead to lower rental yields and capital growth.

12. Off-Plan Purchases: Not a Fan

Opinion: Buying off-plan can secure properties at lower prices, but it comes with risks like project delays and changes in market conditions. It’s a strategy that requires thorough research and a strong risk tolerance. Don’t get me started on Sunset Clauses.

13. Holiday Rentals: Not a Fan

Opinion: While holiday rentals can be profitable during peak seasons, they often come with significant management and upkeep challenges. Fluctuating occupancy rates and seasonal demand can make this strategy less stable compared to long-term rentals.

14. Long-Term Rentals: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Long-term rentals provide stable income and can be less volatile than other investment types. They are ideal for investors seeking steady, predictable returns over time.

15. Joint Ventures: Not a Fan

Opinion: While joint ventures can increase purchasing power, they also come with the risk of partnership disputes and differing investment goals. It’s essential to have clear agreements and a mutual understanding to avoid conflicts.

16. Property Cycles: I Am a Fan

Opinion: Understanding property cycles is crucial for timing your investments. I highly recommend the book “The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking” by Phillip J. Anderson, which explains the 18.6-year land cycle. This knowledge can help you make more informed decisions about when to buy and sell.

17. Interest Rates: Not a Fan

Opinion: There’s often too much focus on interest rates, which can lead to paralysis by analysis. While important, they are just one factor in a broader market dynamic. It’s essential to consider the overall economic climate and your financial situation.

18. House and Land or New Homes: Not a Fan Currently

Opinion: The current market conditions make new builds and house-and-land packages less appealing due to high construction costs and delays. Established properties often provide better value and less uncertainty.

19. Using Data and Analytics: I Am a Fan

Opinion: The right data and analytics are invaluable for making informed investment decisions. However, beware of relying on inaccurate or misleading data, which can lead to poor choices.

20. Buying in Regional Areas: In the Right Areas Only, Then I Am a Fan

Opinion: Investing in regional areas can offer excellent returns, but it’s crucial to choose the right locations. Focus on regions with strong economic fundamentals, population growth, and infrastructure development.


The property market offers a myriad of strategies and trends, each with its own set of advantages and risks. By focusing on time-saving methods, uncovering hidden gems, and leveraging local expertise, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Whether you’re navigating the Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast, or Sunshine Coast markets, consider the insights shared here to avoid common pitfalls and maximise your investment potential.

For personalised advice and to explore the best property opportunities, reach out to the IPS Buyer’s Agents team today. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of the market and find the right strategy for your needs

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